all in

Every fortnight, the All In podcast features a new discussion between Florence Gillet and Dr Nicola Rinaldi, scientist and lead author of the book “No Period, Now What“. Together, they share real recovery stories, expert insights and new research on hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA), hormonal health and fertility, with an unmissable touch of body respect and women’s empowerment.

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Editing by Steven Worlow
Original Music by the Andy Shulman Band “Lost & Found”, available on Spotify

To get support with your HA recovery buy the “no period. now what?” book

To get your period back or improve your fertility, book an appointment with Dr Nicola Rinaldi (PhD)

To get help with the body and mind changes happening in recovery, book an appointment with Florence Gillet

We also have joint coaching clients so you can access both our domains of expertise at the same time by reaching out to either of us.


No Period, Now What?

No Period, Now What?
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