Following my #Flourish workshop with Dr Aarti Javeri-Mehta in Dubai this morning, on feeding and raising body confident kids, please find below a list of resources to go further on the topic!
NB: if you missed the talk, you can find a short summary of its content in this article published in Goodness, or in this blog post I published a few months ago.
Books for parents
Ellyn Satter, Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family: How to Eat, How to Raise Good Eaters, How to Cook
Ellyn Satter, Your Child’s Weight: Helping Without Harming
More at the Ellyn Satter Institute too!
Virginia Sole-Smith, The eating instinct. Food culture, body image and guilt in America
Books for children (4 and older)
Todd Parr, It’s okay to be different
James Howe & Randy Cecil, Brontorina
Sigrun Danielsdottir & Bjork Bjarkadottir, Your body is awesome. Body respect for children
Jessica Smith and Joel Blakeley, Little miss Jessica goes to school
(Puberty) Books for girls (8 and older)
Sonya Renee Taylor, Celebrate your body (and its changes, too!)
Maryann Jacobsen, My body’s superpower. The girls’ guide to growing up healthy during puberty.
Angie Manfredi, The (other) F word: A manifesto for the fat and fierce

Nutrition & parenting podcasts
Amy Palanjian and Virginia Sole-Smith, The Comfort Food Podcast
Jill, Castle, The nourished child podcast
Online resources (child nutrition and body image)
The Problem with Poodle Science (Video)
Child mental health: parenting workshops in Dubai
Pediatric guidelines
2016 official guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics on preventing obesity and eating disorders in adolescents
Last but not least, if you suspect an eating disorder in someone close to you and live in the Middle East, please reach out to MEEDA (Middle East Eating Disorder Association) or visit their website for a free screening